Shows at SWAF I've seen.
- The Mieters, The Tommies
SWAF / Hoorn
February 12th, 2012
- Probably Your Teacher, Mr Potatohead, Stunion P.
SWAF / Hoorn
September 3rd, 2006
Reunion show Mr. P.
- Stunion P.
SWAF / Hoorn
September 16th, 2001
Yearly SWAF show
- Stunion P.
SWAF / Hoorn
April 9th, 2000
- Stunion P.
SWAF / Hoorn
September 5th, 1999
Wouter's afscheidsconcert
- Stunion P., Kiereweed
SWAF / Hoorn
February 14th, 1999