Hell is for Heroes canceled citing 'logistical problems', whatever that means. Luckily both Boy Sets Fire and Tribute To Nothing gave very good performances.
Tribute To Nothing is a rather young English punk band. Despite the lukewarm audience, they had a very energetic stage act. Musically they reminded me of bands like Audio Karate, Beatsteaks and Boy Sets Fire: modern punk/hardcore while not sounding like a bunch of whiny pop punk kids who call themselves emo. A lot of use of both guitars, not just mindless pounding of chords, and offbeat drums with vocals that convince you not necessarily through ability but certainly through delivery.
Definitely a band to watch.
With their albums Boy Sets Fire never has been one of my favorites. While I love some songs ('After the eulogy') most of their songs are hit or miss. Live it's a completely different story. While I'm still not particularly fond of the sound of the vocals, Boy Sets Fire completely won me over with their sincerity.
Their show lasted over an hour. The two acoustic songs were not really my cup of tea, but after that they picked up the pace and volume again. Singer Nathan sometimes gets a bit preachy, but still maintains a healthy sense of humor which his band mates share.
It still sucks Hell is for Heroes canceled, but Tribute To Nothing and Boy Sets Fire certainly made up for it.
Gig review: Boy Sets Fire, Tribute To Nothing
March 20th, 2006 | 20:36 in Gig Review
Review of:
Boy Sets Fire, Tribute To NothingMelkweg / Amsterdam
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