It's been a good year for Ok, the year isn;t over yet, but we're nearly there.
The site got an average of about 800 visits each month. In total I got a bit more than 16.000 page views. I posted 33 articles, which recieved 38 comments. For next year I hope to post more articles, and I hope you post more comments!
The following 10 articles were the top 10 posts on in 2008:
1. Resources for creating a great band logo
Some pointers, some links, all good.
2. Using to promote your band in 6 easy steps is one of the coolest sites at the moment. Using it to promote your band is easy, just follow these steps.
3. Band promotion 101
Just starting with promoting your band? Here's some tips you can use.
4. 7 Pointers for writing a good band biography
Enough with the endless unreadable band histories, write a professional bio!
5. Great 60s bands from the 21st century
The 60s never really ended.
6. 10 great Dutch underground bands
Sadly not all of these bands are active anymore, but they're still worth checking out. The ones still active even more so.
7. Cool B-movie inspired music videos
Gore and splatter really brings out the best in rock.
8. 5 of the hardest rocking bands in the Netherlands
Again, not all active anymore. Maybe I jinxed them. Sorry! Luckily some of 'm are rocking as hard as ever.
9. Blood Red Shoes, Sugarettes @ Ekko
I hate the Blood Red Shoes for being so young, and for being so damn good.
10 10 things I hate about your bands site - Part I
Oh, how I hate your bands site. Hate, hate, hate.
The best posts of 2008
December 20th, 2008 | 22:23 in Site Update
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